One Water innovation for water independence
Laine Carlson

Laine’s experience includes project management, construction administration, capital improvement planning, hydraulic analysis, water and wastewater master planning, pipeline design, pump station design and analysis and water standard development. She has developed an intimate understanding of how a water and sewer utility operates and the challenges they face. Her experience has enabled her to identify and analyze initial project concepts, prepare construction documents and monitor construction of the project through completion.
My whole family is in the construction industry and I grew up spending many weekends visiting the jobsites my dad was working on—and many evenings helping him with paperwork, which he hated and I thought was kind of fun! I knew from a young age that I wanted to be a civil engineer, but I was not sure where I wanted to focus until I attended a career fair at Cal Poly Pomona and met the General Manager and District Engineer of a local water district. They both showed so much passion and joy for their work that I was instantly drawn to pursue career in water—and I am so glad I did!
I have been so blessed in my life and career to have received support, mentorship and inspiration from many people and I have learned so much from each of them. I love that I have the opportunity now to share some of that with my team and support them as they grow in their own careers.
Outside of work, I spend my time soaking up the joyful moments in this crazy phase of life with two young children! One of my personal passions is baking. Some of my clients have not been shy about pointing out a decline in cookie deliveries in recent years, but it may trend back up once everyone at my house is sleeping through the night!